Fostering agricultural cooperation among BRICS member countries is crucial to strengthen food security, sustainability, and regional economic integration. Discussions in the working group are expected to address strategies for climate change adaptation, the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices, technological innovation, and the reduction of tariff and non-tariff barriers, with the goal of enhancing the competitiveness and resilience of BRICS agri-food systems.

Head of Institutional and Governmental Relations, BRF
Holds a master’s degree in political and Economic Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2011). Completed executive training at George Washington University in International Lobbying, Global Advocacy, and Governmental and Institutional Relations (2019). Lecturer in the MBA program in Institutional and Governmental Relations at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). Has over thirteen years of experience in the field.
Previously led high-level representation in the financial sector, transportation market, healthcare, and food industry. Co-author of the books Public Policies for Gender Equality and Advanced Studies in Administrative Law. Former Professor of International Law (Uniesp and UniDrummond). Member of the Fiscal Council of the Meat and Derivatives Industry Union in the State of Santa Catarina (SINDICARNE) and Advocacy Advisor for the Women of Brazil Group.
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